| Oxford Energy Economics Ltd


We combine expertise in economic, analytical and quantitative
assessment of future and past market developments. This
includes 10 years of energy market modelling & analysis, with
background in economics, finance, statistics, energy engineering,
and IT. Our experience comprises work with numerous medium,
small, and up to largest sized private and
public energy and electricity market participants in Europe.

Our Services

Insights from complex modelling and statistics relevant for
navigating the rapidly changing energy landscape. Reliable,
transparent, unbiased. Our electricity (and soon more general
energy) models for long-term outlooks and near-term analysis
push the frontier of the art and are your key advantage when
working with us. Whether we carefully study the greatest
challenges in in-depth collaboration together, whether you rely
on our own modelling work, or whether you in future access the
tools independently to create your private scenarios to explore
ideal strategies or policies, or even have us build custom tools
with and entirely for you.